Heads Up: For the sake of transparency, this post might contain affiliate links. If a sale is made, I will receive a small commission (at no additional charge for you), which helps keep the lights on and helps feed my cats. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

Do you have old furniture taking up space in your home? Maybe that unused dining set is gathering dust in the corner, or that couch from college is still lingering in your living room.

Before you know it, your house feels more like a storage unit than a home.

But why give it all away for free when you could make some extra cash instead? You might think, “Who would want my old furniture?”

But trust me, the market for second-hand furniture is booming. People are constantly looking for unique pieces and great deals, and your old stuff could be exactly what they need.

When I first thought about selling my used furniture, I was skeptical. I mean, why wouldn’t someone just go to a big-box store and buy something new?

But I quickly realized that there’s a huge demand for quality used furniture.

People want character, sustainability, and, of course, a good bargain. Before I knew it, I was making hundreds of dollars just by selling the furniture I no longer needed.

What surprised me the most was how many options there were for selling. I started with local options but soon discovered there are so many online platforms where you can sell from the comfort of your own home.

And that’s what I’m here to share with you today—the best places to sell used furniture that can help you turn your unwanted items into easy money.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know exactly where to list your items to get them sold quickly and easily.

Just wanted to let you know…

I’ve included a lot of details and personal experiences in this post, so it might be a bit longer than usual.

So, to make things easier for you, just click on the image here and save it to your Pinterest board for easy access. Then, you can come back anytime you need to and squeeze all the juice out of the good stuff I’m about to share.

Why Sell Used Furniture?

Okay, let’s be real. Selling used furniture probably isn’t the first thing that pops into your head when you’re thinking about making some extra cash.

Every time I see that dusty old cabinet or the unused dining table, I can practically see the cash piling up.

It’s like those forgotten pieces are just begging to be turned into cold, hard cash. Who wouldn’t want that?

Plus, selling used furniture is a total lifesaver for decluttering. Yeah, I know —holding onto stuff because we think we might need it someday, or just because it’s easier to ignore than deal with.

But let me tell you, once you let go of that clutter, your home feels lighter, brighter, and more peaceful. It’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Things to Consider Before Selling Used Furniture

Alright, so you’re ready to sell your used furniture and make some extra cash—great decision!

But before you start listing your items everywhere, there are a few important things to consider to make sure you get the best price and find the right buyer.

Let’s talk about some key factors like pricing, quality, shipping, and safety. Trust me, a little preparation goes a long way.


First things first, you need to figure out how much your furniture is worth. I know, this can be a bit tricky. You don’t want to price it too high and scare off potential buyers, but you also don’t want to give it away for next to nothing.

The best way to get a sense of the right price is to do some research. Check out similar items on various selling platforms and see what they’re going for. This will give you a ballpark figure to start with.

And remember, if you’re willing to negotiate, let buyers know—that flexibility can attract more interest.


Take an honest look at the condition of your furniture. Is it still sturdy? Are there any visible scratches, stains, or damage? Be upfront about these things in your listing.

People appreciate honesty, and it saves you both the hassle of dealing with complaints or returns later. If your furniture is in great shape, highlight that.

And if it’s seen better days, just be clear about its condition—there’s a market for well-loved pieces too.


Now, this one’s a biggie, especially if you’re selling online. Shipping furniture can get expensive fast, and nobody wants to be surprised by a massive shipping fee.

Make sure you factor in the cost of shipping when pricing your item. Some sellers prefer to list items for local pickup only to avoid shipping altogether. If that’s the route you want to go, make it clear in your listing.

If you’re up for shipping, try to get an estimate beforehand so you can provide accurate information to potential buyers.

Best Online Places to Sell Used Furniture

So, you are looking for a place to sell your used furniture, but where do you even start? With so many marketplaces out there, it can be a bit overwhelming.

But don’t worry, I’ve done the homework for you.

I’ll share some of the best online platforms where you can easily list and sell your used furniture.

1. Facebook Marketplace

First up is Facebook Marketplace, and there’s a good reason I’m putting it at the top of the list.

Why? Because this was the platform where I made my first sale of any used item.

Furthermore, with over 40% of its 3 billion monthly active users shopping there, it’s hard to beat the potential reach you get from listing your items here.

What I like about using Facebook Marketplace is that it’s completely free to use. Unless you are selling through their Facebook and Instagram Shops Checkout, there will be no selling fee.

But if you are just using the Marketplace, there’s no charge—so don’t get confused.

Another feature that I like is that you can hide your listing from your friend’s list. This might be useful if you don’t intend to sell to your friends, neighbors, or colleagues.

However, if you do want all your friends to know that you are selling used furniture, you can just disable this option.

Once you have your item listed, you can easily communicate directly with potential buyers through Facebook Messenger, which makes the process smooth and efficient.

Just a few tips for you…

If you want to sell your furniture quickly, make sure to take clear photos and write detailed descriptions. When I first started selling, I was guilty of just snapping a quick, dimly lit picture and writing a one-line description.

And guess what? My listings barely got any attention. But once I started taking the time to clean up the items, take bright, well-framed photos, and write detailed descriptions that highlighted the best features, things started flying off my virtual shelves.

So, if you’re looking to sell used furniture, Facebook Marketplace is the place to start. It’s easy, free, and the audience is massive.

Just remember to put a little effort into your listings, and you’ll be making sales in no time!

2. Craiglist

Remember that old-school website? It’s still around, and for good reason. It’s simple and free, and you’re connecting with people in your neighborhood.

No need to worry about shipping bulky stuff across the country.

One of the cool things about Craigslist is that it’s all about your local community. You’re connecting with people nearby, so you don’t have to worry about shipping big stuff like sofas or dressers across the country.

It’s way easier and faster. Plus, meeting people in person lets them see the item before they buy, so you’re more likely to make a sale.

But one thing I wish to highlight: Craigslist can be a bit wild. Since anyone can use it, some shady characters are lurking around. So, be careful!

Always trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. When you’re meeting someone, do it in a public place and let a friend know where you’re going. Safety first, always.

Even with those precautions, Craigslist can be a great place to sell your used furniture. It’s easy, it’s free, and you’re reaching people in your area who are looking for stuff like yours. Just be smart about it, and you’ll be fine.

3. eBay

You know, the place where you’ve probably bought everything from socks to smartphones.

But have you ever thought about selling your old stuff there? It’s a massive online marketplace, so your stuff could end up in front of millions of people.

That’s huge, especially if you’re trying to sell something as big as a couch.

The best part about eBay is you have options. You can do an auction and see how much people are willing to pay. Or, you can just set a price and see if anyone bites. It’s totally up to you, which is awesome.

And don’t worry about getting scammed. eBay has ways to keep everyone safe. So, you can trust that you’re dealing with real people. They even protect sellers if something goes wrong. That’s a big deal.

One thing I learned is to use eBay’s shipping calculator. Don’t guess how much it’ll cost to ship a couch. The calculator tells you exactly, based on the size, weight, and where it’s going.

That way, you can set a fair price and avoid any surprises later.

4. OfferUp

OfferUp is a lifesaver if you’re looking to sell your old stuff locally. It’s super easy to use—just snap a few pics, write a quick description, and set your price.

Even a tech-challenged person like me can figure it out! I love that it’s all about connecting with people in your neighborhood.

One thing I appreciate is the community aspect. You can see ratings and reviews, so you know who you’re dealing with.

The biggest tip I can give you is to respond to messages ASAP. Don’t let them sit there for hours. People on OfferUp are often ready to buy right away.

So, if someone shows interest, don’t let them slip through your fingers! Be quick, be friendly, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to make a sale.

Trust me, selling on OfferUp can be a lot of fun!

5. Chairish

This is my go-to spot for selling vintage or high-end furniture. If you’ve got a few unique pieces that deserve a special home, this is the place.

It’s not just any marketplace—it’s curated, so you know the buyers are looking for something special and are willing to pay for it.

The people on Chairish are design-savvy folks. They’re not just looking for deals; they want pieces with characters and a story.

So, if you have something unique or high-end, this is one of the best places to show it off.

Keep in mind that presentation is everything. You need to make your listing stand out. Take great photos—think of lighting, angles, and background to make it pop.

And don’t forget to tell the story behind your piece. Sharing its history and unique features will connect with buyers who appreciate the finer things.

If you put in the effort, Chairish can be a great place to sell your vintage and high-end stuff. You’ll connect with people who appreciate your pieces as much as you do, and that’s a great feeling.

6. Etsy

You probably know it as the place to find handmade and vintage goodies, right? But did you know you can also sell furniture there?

It’s a great option if you’ve got unique pieces that stand out from the crowd.

One of the cool things about Etsy is that its audience is super into finding one-of-a-kind stuff. If you have a funky mid-century modern chair or a rustic farmhouse table, Etsy is the perfect place to find someone who’ll love it.

It’s perfect for stuff with a story or a little bit of personality.

But selling on Etsy isn’t just about slapping a listing online and hoping for the best. You’ve gotta put in a little effort to get noticed. Etsy has tools like Ads that can help you show up higher in search results.

And don’t forget about social media. Share your listings on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to reach even more people.

Another tip? Great photos are a must. Etsy shoppers love browsing beautiful images. Take the time to set up good lighting and capture all the angles. And write detailed descriptions.

Tell buyers about the history of the piece, the materials, and anything that makes it special. The more you tell them, the more likely they’ll fall in love.

7. AptDeco

If you’re looking for a stress-free way to sell it, AptDeco might be your new favorite platform.

AptDeco connects sellers to buyers and handles all the tricky stuff like payments and shipping. You don’t have to worry about figuring out how to get that giant couch out of your apartment or dealing with sketchy buyers.

They’ve got it covered.

One thing I wish to highlight here is, to be honest about what you’re selling. Set a fair price, don’t overcharge, and don’t undersell.

And when you’re describing your furniture, be upfront about its condition. Tell people about any scratches, stains, or wear and tear.

Buyers appreciate honesty. It helps them set realistic expectations and leads to smoother transactions.

8. Letgo

So, you might know Letgo as OfferUp now. They merged a while back, and it’s one of the biggest places to buy and sell stuff online.

It’s awesome for selling furniture, especially if you’re looking to sell locally.

It’s super easy to use. Just take a few pics, write a quick description, and you’re done. No tech skills are needed.

The app walks you through everything, and you can list your furniture in a jiffy.

Another big plus is that it’s great for local sales. If you’re like me and you don’t want to deal with the hassle of shipping large items, this is the way to go.

Most of the buyers are nearby, so they can just swing by and pick up the furniture. This makes the whole process a lot faster and simpler, and you get cash in hand without worrying about shipping fees or packaging.

Here’s a piece of advice based on my experience. Be clear in your titles and descriptions.

When I first started selling, I learned that the more specific and honest I was, the better. Instead of just saying “sofa for sale,” try something like “Comfy Blue Sofa – Great Condition, Perfect for Apartments.”

Give people all the details, like measurements and any wear and tear. Use good photos too.

9. 1stDibs

If you’re looking to sell luxury or antique furniture, 1stDibs is one of the best places to consider. This marketplace is known for its high-end appeal, attracting buyers who are willing to spend a bit more for something unique and of great quality.

One of the big advantages of selling on 1stDibs is its global reach. You’re not just selling to people in your neighborhood or even your country.

You can reach buyers all over the world who are specifically looking for luxury items. That means more potential buyers and, maybe, a higher price for your stuff.

When selling on 1stDibs, it’s all about the details. These buyers want to know everything about what they’re buying. Tell them about the materials, the craftsmanship, and any special features that make your furniture stand out.

If you know the history of the piece, definitely share that too. People love hearing the story behind a piece of furniture, especially if it’s got a cool past.

10. Remoov

Do you want to sell your furniture but don’t have the time or energy to deal with all the hassle? Remoov might be just what you need.

It’s a one-stop shop for getting rid of your old stuff with minimal effort.

Here’s how it works: you send them pictures of your furniture, and they give you a quote for pickup. If you’re happy with it, they come to your place, grab your stuff, and handle the rest.

Yes, that includes having a professional photographer to take your furniture photos and a consigner will upload the listing for you. It’s super easy.

And that’s not just that, Remoov provides you with a personalized dashboard where you can keep track of your items.

You can see what’s selling, what’s still available, and even get updates on how much money you’re making.

Of course, it’s not completely free. You’ll have to pay for pickup and they take a cut of the sale. But if you value convenience, it might be worth it. For me, it’s a lifesaver.

11. Bonanza

I was a bit skeptical about Bonanza at first. It felt like just another online marketplace. But the more I dug into it, the more I realized it had its special vibe. If you’re looking to flip furniture or just declutter, Bonanza could be a great fit.

One thing I like about Bonanza is that you can build your little online store. It’s not just about listing an item; you can create a brand for yourself. And with millions of people browsing the site, that’s a huge deal.

Plus, if you’re serious about flipping furniture and want to turn it into a side hustle or even a full-time gig, Bonanza gives you detailed sales data.

This is super helpful because it helps you figure out what’s selling well, what the trends are, and how to grow your business.

Now, let’s talk about the costs because that’s something we all care about, right? The best part is that listing your furniture is completely free.

They only charge a fee of $0.25 plus 3.5% of sale fees. That seems fair to me. You only pay when you’re making money.

And if you’re looking to reach even more potential buyers, Bonanza offers an advertising program. You can choose how much of your sale you want to allocate for advertising—options range from 9% to 30%.

It’s nice to have that flexibility to decide how much you’re willing to invest in getting more eyeballs on your listings.

12. Apartment Therapy Bazaar

You know Apartment Therapy, right? It’s that awesome website where you can get lost in beautiful home design inspiration.

Well, did you know they have their marketplace called Apartment Therapy Bazaar?

It’s a fantastic place to sell your used furniture, especially if you’ve got some stylish pieces you’re ready to let go of.

It’s not just any old marketplace, though. They’ve got it all organized into categories:

  • Luxe: This is for the fancy stuff. If you’ve got rare, high-quality pieces, this is where you want them.
  • Stylegrade: Perfect for vintage finds. Think mid-century modern chairs and the like.
  • Everyday: This is for more practical stuff, like that Ikea bookshelf you’re tired of.

One of the biggest advantages of selling on Apartment Therapy Bazaar is the audience. Since it’s linked to a popular home design site, you’re selling directly to people who appreciate good design and quality items.

It’s a niche audience, but that’s a good thing. Your furniture won’t just be seen by anyone; it’ll be seen by folks who are genuinely interested in making their homes look great with high-quality pieces.

The good news is that it’s free to join and list your items on Apartment Therapy Bazaar. That’s right—you don’t pay anything until you make a sale.

When you do sell an item, there’s a small commission and a payment processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 if you use Stripe.

But considering the kind of buyers you’re reaching, it’s a pretty fair trade-off.

Best Offline Places to Sell Used Furniture

If you’re not a big fan of online selling, don’t worry. Selling your furniture offline has its charm. You get paid right away, with no waiting around for checks or online payments.

It’s a straightforward deal: meet up, make the sale, and walk away with cold hard cash. Sometimes, simplicity is the best policy.

Let’s take a look at the options.

13. Local Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are always on the lookout for quality second-hand items, and they specialize in giving furniture a second chance.

The best part? You don’t have to deal with picky buyers or figure out when to drop off your stuff. Just bring it to the store, they’ll take a look, and if they like it, you’re done. It’s super easy if you’re looking for a quick sale without all the fuss.

Here’s what I’ve learned: do a little research first. Not all thrift stores are the same. Some like mid-century modern, while others are into vintage or antique stuff.

Check out a few local stores to see what they’re into. That way, you’ll know if your stuff is a good fit. It’ll save you time and increase your chances of selling.

14. Garage Sales

It’s a classic way to sell used stuff, and it’s super easy. You don’t have to worry about shipping or online listings. Just set up shop in your driveway and let people come to you.

The trick is to get the word out. Put up some signs around the neighborhood and post about it online. You’d be surprised how many people are looking for good deals.

Make sure to label everything with clear prices, and be ready to negotiate. That’s half the fun of a garage sale! Keep a list of what you’re selling so you can keep track, and have plenty of change on hand.

15. Consignment Shops

Tired of the hassle of selling your old furniture yourself? Consignment shops might be just what you need. Instead of dealing with photos, descriptions, and buyers, let someone else do the heavy lifting.

You drop off your furniture, and they handle everything else. They display it, talk to customers, and even sell it for you. In return, they take a cut of the profit. It’s a pretty sweet deal if you want to sit back and relax.

But before you jump in, there are a few things to know. Different shops have different rules. Some take a bigger cut than others.

And some might hold onto your money for a bit. So, ask around and get the details before you sign anything.

If you’re not in a rush and don’t mind sharing the profit, consignment shops can be a great option. You might even make more than you thought while letting someone else do all the work.

Handful Tips for Selling Used Furniture

I’ve been in your shoes, staring at an old chair or table and wondering how in the world to sell it.

After a few trials and errors, I learned what works and what doesn’t. So, here are a few things I wish someone had told me when I first started:

Know Your Furniture’s Value

First things first, do a little research. Check out similar items online and see what they’re selling for. You don’t want to price it too high and scare people off, but you also don’t want to give it away.

Clean It Up

This might seem obvious, but it’s easy to overlook. A little elbow grease can make a big difference. People are more likely to buy something that looks nice and cared for.

Take Great Photos

People keep saying you need a fancy camera to take good photos. But that’s just not true! I’ve taken some great shots with my phone. Just make sure you have good lighting and a nice background.

And if you’re not happy with how it looks, there are tons of AI tools online to fix it up. Don’t forget to take pics from different angles, and be honest about any flaws. People love seeing real, authentic photos. It helps them trust you.

Write a Detailed Description

Tell people everything they need to know. Size, materials, condition – the more details, the better. You want them to feel like they know the piece.

Be Prepared to Negotiate

People like to haggle. That’s normal. But know your bottom line. You don’t have to give it away, but a little flexibility can help seal the deal.

Choose the Right Platform

Think about where to sell. Some places are better for local sales, others for a wider reach. It’s good to have an idea of what might work best for your furniture.

Be Safe and Smart

And most importantly, stay safe! If you’re meeting someone new, do it in a public place. Let your friends and family know where you’re headed.

And hey, turn on your live location on your phone (most phones have it now) so they can keep an eye on you.

Final Thoughts on Places to Sell Used Furniture

There you have it—the best places to sell your used furniture, whether you’re a digital native or prefer old-school face-to-face deals.

Online platforms offer a huge reach, while local options let you meet potential buyers in person.

The best place for you depends on what’s important to you. Do you want to ship your stuff across the country, or keep it local? Are fees a big deal, or do you want to reach a specific audience?

Whatever your priorities are, there’s a platform out there that’s perfect for you. So take a look at your options, experiment a bit, and find the one that makes selling your furniture a breeze.

Now I’d love to hear from you! Have you tried selling used furniture before? What platforms have been a hit for you?

Share your tips and tricks in the comments below! I’m sure everyone would love to hear your stories.

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