Last updated on 5th July, 2024 at 02:58 pm

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In this post, I’ll be sharing with you guys tips on how to apply and how to get approved on MaxBounty easily. I will explain it step-by-step. But before we dive in, allow me to brief a bit for those who do not know what MaxBounty is.  

What is MaxBounty?

“Is a world-leading performance-based CPA (cost-per-action) network with focus on maximizing the returns on investment (ROI) for both advertisers and affiliates”.

In other words, MaxBounty is an affiliate network where we as affiliate marketers can apply and promote all the products/services available on their website once approved.

How To Apply?

Regardless of your previous experience, I believe you deserve a chance to become an affiliate with MaxBounty.

And you have to know exactly what they value in an affiliate application.

In this guide, I’ll be sharing with you guys how I applied and got approved on MaxBounty easily.

You can increase the chances of your MaxBounty application getting approved by understanding what they’re looking for in an application.

Sign up to MaxBounty—the #1 ranked CPA network—and receive an automatic 10% bonus on your first affiliate payment!

To make it easier, I’ll divide the application process into three (3) stages:

1) Pre-Application Stage: What & how to prepare for filling out the application

2) MaxBounty Application Process: How to fill out the application accurately and answer each question

3) Post-Application Stage: How to approach your post-application phone call and how to follow up.

Pre-Application Stage:

I recommend you take several actions before heading to their sign-up page and clicking the “Register” button.

By doing so, it will benefit you by:

  • Create a high-quality application that has a greater chance of approval
  • Preparing you for the questions in the application.
  • Decreasing the time it takes you to fill out the application

Create Your Blog

In the application, you will be asked to provide a valid URL of your website.

As an affiliate marketer, it is a must for us to have our very own blog. For your information, applying for MaxBounty is also part of the reason why I created this blog.

Sign up for my 7-day FREE “How to start a blog” email course here. I spill the tea on everything you need to know: starting a blog, making money online, and the whole shebang!

However, this is not a mandatory requirement to be approved into MaxBounty.

But bear in mind that having your very own website/blog may improve your application’s appeal. This is why I highly recommend you to have your website first before applying.

Have a Plan

You’ll be asked to explain how you will promote the campaigns once your application is approved.

Please take note that this is the most important thing that they look for in any affiliate application.

By having a good plan of action, you can let them know that you are serious about becoming an affiliate with MaxBounty. It will also enable them to make sure that your plan to promote the campaigns meets their terms and conditions.

Additionally, it will also work wonders for the quality of your application.

Here are a few tips that I can share with you.

  • Which traffic sources you will be using (paid or free traffic, traffic type: social media, email marketing, display, contextual, or native)
  • What verticals, niches, or campaigns do you wish to promote
  • Which countries do you plan to promote the campaigns in

I’ll explain in detail later.

Create a Skype Account

Next, you will be required to provide them with a Skype ID.

If you do have it, that’s great!

But if you don’t, I recommend you create one now. This will save you from having to scramble to do so mid-application.

You must be wondering why they need a Skype ID for this.

Because Skype is one of the most common ways that you and your soon-to-be Affiliate Manager communicate with each other.  It’ll be easier and much quicker than through phone or email.

Tips: Please make sure you have the same Skype handle as the one on your affiliate account so that the Affiliate Manager can identify you and know who they are talking to.

Have your photo ID ready

Previously, MaxBounty doesn’t require us to provide our ID.

However, they recently implemented ID verification to reduce fraud and accelerate their vetting process. This step will ultimately help you get approved quicker if no fraud is detected.

Tips: Take real, valid, readable and high quality photos of both front and back of your ID. You don’t want your application to be rejected by providing a fake ID and unclear image.

Pre-Application Checklist

Now, you may double-check that you have completed the steps I mentioned above.

  • Have a website/blog ready.
  • Have a clear plan on how to promote the campaigns.
  • Have created a Skype account.
  • Have a valid photo ID in English
  • Have a clear photo of your ID and it is easy to read

If you answered yes to all of the above, you are now ready to apply to MaxBounty!

MaxBounty Application Process

After passing all the checks on the Pre-Application stage, you can begin filling out your application.

First, head over to their Affiliate page here and click “Next” to begin your application.

Page 1: Basic Info

How To Get Approved on MaxBounty

Simply enter your name and valid email that you wish to be associated with your account.

Page 2: Security

How To Get Approved on MaxBounty

Create your password and provide TWO security questions in case you forget or lose your password.

Tips: Ensure your password is between 8-12 characters long and includes at least one number, letter, and special character. I suggest you to keep these details in a notepad and save it to somewhere you can easily refer it back.

Page 3: Contact Info

How To Get Approved on MaxBounty

Provide one or two contactable phone numbers where they can easily reach you.

Select which time zone you are in and your preferred day & time to communicate. This is where your Affiliate Manager will refer to the suitable date & time to contact you for the phone call interview process.

Below that, enter the Skype ID that you have created earlier.

Page 4: Address Details

maxbounty page 4: address details

Input your address details and ensure that all the information is up-to-date and accurate.

Tips: It would be a good practice if the address you entered is the same address that is registered with your ID card.

Page 5: Identification

maxbounty page 5: identification

Here is where you need to upload the front and back photos of your photo ID that I mentioned in the Pre-Application stage earlier. Again, please ensure that your ID photo is easy to read.

Page 6: Important Information

maxbounty page 6: important information

This section holds the key to influencing your approval chances the most. Please proceed with extra attention when entering this part.

Worry not; I’ll be more than happy to help you on how to answer this section.

Let’s go!

“How did you hear about MaxBounty?”

It may make sense to mention that you heard about MaxBounty from your Affiliate mentor, or perhaps your business coach.

You might consider leaving out “from Google”, or maybe “from some websites”.

Note: If you wish, you may enter my name and ID (Nazeef – 548241).

Since I’ve been accepted to MaxBounty, they will consider that when reviewing your application.

This may help to increase your chances of getting approved.

“What’s your experience?”

As for this question, if you are a complete beginner, then select Beginner as they do accept beginners, so just be honest.

On the other hand, if you have experience in affiliate and have earned some commissions before, I highly recommend you to select the “I have some experience…” option.

“Describe your past experience in affiliate marketing”

You should explain in detail your previous experience with other affiliate networks. Include the name of the network, and which verticals or campaigns you worked on previously.

“How do you intend to promote offers?”

Do you remember in the Pre-Application stages that I mentioned having a plan?

Now is the time to use that plan to answer this question.

Please describe your plan in as much detail as you can within the character limit provided. Whichever does not fit, you may elaborate on that further over the phone interview later.

Tips: It would be a good advantage if you have experience using paid traffic platforms such as Facebook ads or Google ads. So please don’t forget to mention that in your description.

“What campaigns are you looking for?”

For this question, simply describe which vertical or specific campaign you plan to promote.

This is where your Affiliate Manager will use this information to recommend campaigns to you once you have been approved.

Tips: This is what I entered “Sweepstakes, surveys, email submit & nutra”. But it depends to you which vertical and campaigns you wish or prefer to promote.

“Your website URL”

Enter your website/blog in this URL section which I have mentioned earlier.

Tips: Click here to read on “How to start a blog” and you can use your blog URL for this section.

“Is this account for incentive traffic?”

As for this option, simply select No.

Page 7: Terms and Conditions

How To Get Approved on MaxBounty

Please check all the boxes to indicate your agreement to the terms and conditions, then click on “Submit”.

If you wish to know in detail about their terms and conditions, just click on the “Terms and conditions” button in the bottom box.

Verifying your Application

Once you have applied, you will receive a verification email titled “Verify your MaxBounty application”

Open the email that you used to register earlier, and click the confirmation link inside.

A subsequent email titled “Finalizing your MaxBounty Application” will provide your six (6) digit Affiliate ID number and your Affiliate Manager contact information.

Tips: Please save that information for your future reference.

Post-Application Stage

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by their compliance and affiliate management teams.

Phone Call Interview

Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a phone call interview from your MaxBounty Affiliate Manager. You may expect the phone call within 1-3 days after submission. In my case, I received the call on the next day after I submitted my application.

This is a mandatory process and must be done over the phone.

Tips: Be prepared. Don’t be nervous. Just be yourself. Use the plan which I highlighted in the Pre-application stage before and use whatever you have entered in the application to answer the interview questions. Your Affiliate Manager will ask you the same questions that you answered in the application process. Or maybe they will ask extra questions depending on the affiliate manager them self.

As long as you can answer them clearly and the information you provide during the phone call matches the info in your application, your Affiliate Manager is likely to approve you.

Following Up

Just in case you have not received a phone call, you may follow up by calling your Affiliate Manager.

Their contact details are available in the 2nd email that you received after you submitted your application.

Tips: My advice is to wait until your Affiliate Manager adds you on Skype rather than looking for them directly. You might end up adding the wrong account and sharing your account information with someone who is not your affiliate manager.

Logging In

If your Affiliate Manager approved you at the end of the phone call, Congratulations!

Source: Giphy

You may now log in to their Affiliate Dashboard using the email and password you provided in your application.

That’s about it!

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