Last updated on 5th July, 2024 at 02:58 pm

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If you are an e-commerce business person, you could be interested in a proven e-commerce system that could set you on the right path. In this case, it’s the Kibo Code Quantum.

You might be interested in the Kibo Code Quantum program. But if you do not have adequate information on this e-commerce training platform, worry not; I have done my research.

My research on Kibo Code Quantum shows that the company is evolving, and so does its 2021 e-commerce training material.

I found the Kibo Code Quantum platform impressive, and here is my honest Kibo Code Quantum review.

What Is This Kibo Code Quantum?

what is Kibo Code Quantum

You must have read dozens of Kibo Code Quantum reviews before considering their program and still get confused. Don’t worry; I got you covered.

Kibo Code Quantum Program offers an eight-week live training program. The program has seven modules conducted on a Web-based App. And it has been upgraded to meet the innovations in e-commerce.

It could cost you $3497 if you paid for it as a one-time fee and $997 for three monthly payments.

However, when you click and use this special link HERE, you will receive a $491 discount and pay for the program in four monthly installments of $997 every 30 days.

Their program is easy to follow and could help build your e-commerce business if you carefully follow their five-step system.

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton, the founders, assure that if you follow their steps, you could hit a $1000 profit weekly on your online business without necessarily building your website or paying for traffic.

The Kibo Code Quantum founders guarantee that you could get your money back after a month, and it could double in the next month. They offer excellent shortcuts, pre-launch bonuses, and training labs that help you build the right e-commerce business.

Since there are a few days left before the offer ends, you may click HERE to purchase. It could be a pity if you missed this opportunity.

About The Founders

Founder of Kibo Code Quantum, Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton.

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton have fought to be where they are at the moment in the digital marketing space, and you could have heard about their work.

These gurus transform digital marketing through their course and resources as they are trustworthy and their business methods are practical.

Booth moved from New Zealand to Argentina but was not lucky in finding job opportunities due to language barriers. Unsatisfied by the nonexistent employment opportunities at his disposal, he decided to venture into digital marketing.

He met Steve Clayton in 2010 and knew that they could work together as he was interested in digital business too.

In 2013, they eventually joined forces and have been part of successful online businesses, and are willing to share their knowledge through the training programs.

Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton have built more than ten e-commerce businesses, and Kibo Code Quantum is among these businesses. They are always keen on improving their business models and perfecting them over the years, and this training program could help you meet your affiliate marketing goals.

Benefits of Kibo Code Program

  • Kibo Code Program has a well-proven strategy that allows you to earn a passive income from e-commerce marketing. You could scale up the earnings within weeks, and the income could double in months.
  • Although the original Kibo Code Program version was quite successful, it had some limitations, addressed by the new 2021 training course. The upgraded version is a well-thought-out strategy that allows you to maximize the returns.
  • The training would be conducted live from their website, and you will get an opportunity to interact with the trainers directly, which could help you gather essential data. Moreover, you could record the live sessions and study the latter for better understanding.
  • The previous Kibo Code training focused on paid traffic as an element of quick profits, but the upgraded training will focus on getting free traffic. You won’t have to spend money on driving targeted website visitors. You could get the visitors freely from sites such as Facebook, Instagram, SEO, and other sources that would be revealed once you buy the training program.
  • The trainers focus on making quick sales and generating cash-flow ease of scaling for their students while sticking to getting free traffic.
  • You could get ready suppliers as most of the products are sourced in the US and sold to US people reducing additional costs. Most of the e-commerce sources their products from China, leading to transportation, communication, and time costs, but this is not the case for Kibo Code.
  • There is a low risk as you don’t have to deal with inventory; here, you do not risk unsold inventory as you drop the products at no cost. The risks are assigned to the third-parties that sell and store the goods.

What is Inside the Kibo Code Program?

After paying for the program, you will get a username and password that allows you to access the eight-week live e-commerce training over the internet on the Kibo Code official website.

Once you are logged in to the platform’s members area, you could interact freely with other students and tutors.

You may access the Kibo Code training program materials such as live training, software, workshops, contests, webinars, and resources like pdfs, video files, audio, and PowerPoint slides.

To get valuable training, it will help you utilize the resources carefully and with a curious mind, you could be earning through this training program.

Apart from that, you could be doing drop-shipping to open a web store where you don’t need to buy, store, or ship products.

All the purchase details will be provided to US-based third-party sellers who would take care of shipping goods, and you could share the profits with them.

Finally, you may scale your business by adding and removing products from the e-store to maximize your earnings.

How It Works?

Kibo Code Quantum takes its inspiration from the Japanese brick and motor store Don Quijote, a multibillion business.

Like the Japanese business Kibo Code Quantum loads up its business with small batches of products, and they monitor their sales.

They could then choose the ones that sell the most while removing those that do not sell from their web stores.

Since they aim to maximize profit, they could still add the products, test them, replace them, and optimize sales. Their course teaches product selection through extensive lesson modules.

Moreover, you could know how to set your web-store, test the products online and build traffic.

Modules at Kibo Code Quantum and Bonuses

Module 1: Kibo Academy

Kibo Code Quantum Module 1: Kibo Academy

• User confidential training on the Kibo system

This first module is an eight-week training program that shows you how to build and sell your products in the e-commerce world.

You could get information on each of the areas that you could need to start earning through e-commerce. The training module could have more than 150 videos that show business strategies, process maps, and more.

You could receive live training every week and secure your first income on the site within two days. The first module could show the pricing, inventory, how to scale your business, how to get traffic sources, and more.

Module 2: Kibo Launchpad

Kibo Code Quantum Module 2: Kibo Launchpad

• Control for the entire operation

The second module could be your one-stop shop for the Kibo Code Quantum program hub. The hub is useful in building, managing, and scaling your business effectively.

This is where you could easily track the business statistics, manage inventory, know all the logistical tasks, and know all the critical moving business parts that are key in decision making.

With access to more than 2,000 online network infrastructure at Kibo Code Quantum, you may then launch the done-for-you superstore, which helps promote your business.

The program at this model could show the same setups used by Steve and Aiden to set their business, and although you would not copy the same setups, you could use them as reference and inspiration for your work.

A mission control available on the module could act as a panel that could overview your sales and statistics from one location and helps you scale up your business.

Module 3: Kibo Super Store

Kibo Code Quantum Module 3: Kibo Super Stores

• Promote sales by utilizing the done-for-you websites

Through their 3rd modules, the training program could help you start selling through their done-for-you superstore loaded with ten products.

At the point of sales, it could mean that the elements needed to set up, get online and start selling are complete, and you could be free to conduct your e-commerce activities.

You could have eliminated all the guesswork on the Kibo Code Quantum program process, and you would be going live at any moment.

Module 4: Profit Vault

Kibo Code Quantum Module 1: Kibo Profit Vault

• Knowing the profitable opportunities

You could identify the best-sellers from the products at your disposal, and the Kibo Vault module is new to the 2021 package as it did not exist in the previous training programs.

This new module could quickly help you pick the most profitable products in a specific niche and identify products from other niches you could sell. And you could still place batches of products in your store and record those that sell the most.

This Profit Vault will pinpoint the most profitable and high-quality products to sell. You could also identify suppliers that could take care of drop-shipping them to your potential clients.

Additionally, their software could analyze thousands of products within seconds and then transfer the same products to your website in the shortest time.

Module 5: Kibo Accelerators

Kibo Code Quantum Module 5: Kibo Accelerators

• Information on getting targeted traffic

The Kibo accelerators plan could effectively get you, potential customers, as you could be taking advantage of the major search engines without paying per click.

You could learn how to utilize ultra-targeted free Facebook traffic sources. You could instantly generate buyer leads without finding them yourself by utilizing ultra-efficient sales funnels.

Module 6: Kibo Power labs

Kibo Code Quantum Module 1: Kibo PowerLabs

• Custom software that saves time, money and improves sales

The additional smart software is incorporated in the training module at Kibo Code Quantum.

The software is designed to handle complex processes that give the name generators access and quickly point out high-quality domains.

It could give you a key code that shows copyrighted designs, which could help you create fantastic logos freely. It could also act as a list builder that tucks your product listing on your website.

Module 7: Kibo Alliance

Kibo Code Quantum Module 1: Kibo Alliance

• Support hub and private member community

The module is an exclusive support system that helps you get sufficient support from the team and other members.

Kibo Code Quantum boasts one of the best in the e-commerce business. Their private email is open every day, and you could connect with the Kibo community privately on the member-only exclusive platform.

You would not worry about doing something wrong as you could have multiple support avenues that hold your hand as you start and run your e-commerce business.

Additional Bonuses

Some of the items initially charged in the previous Kibo Code Quantum training programs include the following:

Kibo Code Live Recordings
Kibo Code: The Secret Mastermind
Kibo Code: 7-Figure Scaling Secrets

In addition to the seven modules, you could also find out that the program could access further expansion modules. Some of the notable additional modules could be based on bulk buying products abroad, finding warehouses quickly, and extensive plans on expanding your business.

Most of the stuff that you could learn through years of expense and hard work could be given freely to you on the site.

Bonus 4: The Core System

Kibo Code Quantum could offer you a core system manual consisting of a five-step system for attaining e-commerce success.

The book would have testimonies from students who have benefited from the program. Although the manual costs $4997, it has informative tactics for attaining success.

Bonus 5: The Profit Map

The Kibo Code Quantum profit map could make you knowledgeable on the program’s information by giving a visual presentation of information.

Bonus 6: The Case Studies

The Kibo Code Quantum case studies would show you the real-life success stories of the students who have undergone the program on the site. You could learn about the products that could generate reasonable passive income for you.

Step By Step of the Program on How to Build E-Commerce Store

step by step on how to build e-commerce store

Step 1: Setting Up Your Store

You might consider setting up an optimized web store for your products once you consider e-commerce training by Kibo Code Quantum. However, their systems could help you set up a store suitable for your products and the specific niche.

Step 2: Identify the Winners

You could study different products to identify those that stay ahead of others in a competitive niche. Once you choose a winning product, you could load them into your store and sell them to potential clients.

Step 3: Pick Your Profit Path

You could take advantage of the instant sources of buyer traffic provided by Kibo Code Quantum to pick your profit path.

It could be wise to select a couple of product options, including those which are traffic-free.

Kibo Code Quantum has developed a new way of generating traffic, and they have developed strategies that could help you make your first sales and improve your profit margin reasonably.

Step 4: Accelerate Your Sales

You could optimize your sales by taking advantage of Kibo Code Quantum’s conversion rates, which increases your profit margin.

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat

As you expand your business, you could repeat the process of retaining highly valued goods and making a sale.

You could increase your profit margin by eliminating those which have little profit margins.

You could learn more about setting a personalized e-commerce store using the Kibo Code Quantum training program through my promotion links.

Pros of Kibo Code Quantum

  • At Kibo Code Quantum, you earn as you learn. You could be making money by the third week of training, which means you could reap an instant return on investment.
  • The Kibo Code Quantum course is easy to follow, and you could easily understand how to build your business. Their modules are grafted in a manner that a person without prior knowledge could easily understand the lessons.
  • The site is trustworthy as it is founded by Aidan and Steve, the most notable e-commerce gurus. The reputation of these two precedes them, and you could sign-up without worrying that you could lose your money.
  • The Kibo Code Quantum has exclusive bonuses that make it worth every penny. You could be making money within no time, and you could get returns on the investment, made possible by their training materials and bonuses.
  • The real results from students who have utilized the program indicate that they are doing well in business. Their training is practical, and you could buy it through this link here.
  • With their 30-day money-back guarantee there is absolutely no risk to you.
  • The company does not make you buy any products, and it only teaches how to build your e-commerce by setting up a web-store and building traffic that enables you to make sales.
  • Receive live coaching, calls and weekly webinars available on replays, making it easy to understand the lessons.
  • The new 2021 version helps drive free web traffic on your products so there’s no need to spend on ads.
  • It is not necessary to communicate directly with your buyers, which could be beneficial, especially if you don’t love communicating directly with customers.
  • Capital upfront is not required since there will be no inventory (you don’t have to buy the products yourself).

Cons of Kibo Code Quantum

• There is a high demand for Kibo Code Quantum; unfortunately, the program has limited slots, making it unavailable for everybody who could love to train with the platform. Even so, you should not be left out as you could buy the program through this link.

• The program’s cost might not be affordable for everyone, but it is worth trying as you could get returns soon, even if it is not on the first day.

My Final Verdict

My research disclosed that the platform is genuine, and I could recommend it to anyone.

I am delighted with the improvements made for the 2021 training program as it comes with additional bonuses that were not included in the previous training programs.

You could indeed get a return on investment within the first month. The founders are improving on the training materials, and you could not want to miss out on the gems marketing by Aidan and Steve, the digital marketing gurus.

You may click the button below to buy the Kibo Code Quantum training program from their official website to enjoy some sign-up bonuses.