Last updated on 3rd August, 2024 at 03:27 pm

Heads Up: For the sake of transparency, this post might contain affiliate links. If a sale is made, I will receive a small commission (at no additional charge for you), which helps keep the lights on and helps feed my cats. Please read our disclosure policy for more information.

Remember that feeling? The one that hits you like a rogue wave right before payday.

That sinking feeling when you peek at your bank account and realize another paycheck can’t come soon enough.

That’s when you start considering a side job for extra money. I know this because I’ve been in your shoes.

My journey into the world of side hustles began when I needed a financial boost, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I’m not saying you’ll become rich overnight —no legitimate gig works that way.

But over time, what started as a small income trickle became a steady cash stream.

And the good news is, you don’t need a fancy degree or a time machine (although wouldn’t that be awesome to go back and buy Bitcoin in 2010?). LOL…

So, let’s put some real food (and by food, I mean money) on the table, shall we?

Just wanted to let you know…

Pin this post for later! It’s packed with juicy details and my own experiences to help you find the perfect side hustle. Click this image here to save it to your Pinterest board and come back anytime to squeeze out all the good stuff!

Side Job #1: General Proofreading

Everyone makes typos. But when it comes to online content, those pesky errors can make a brand look unprofessional.

If you’ve got a knack for spotting typos and a love for polished, error-free writing, this could be the perfect gig for you.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve noticed mistakes in flyers, articles, and even official documents and thought, “I could do a better job at this.”

If you’ve had that same thought, then proofreading might be right up your alley.

The best part? You can do this job from anywhere! Home, coffee shop, even a beach in Bali – the world’s your office.

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, that sounds awesome, but what about the pay?”

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Proofread Anywhere


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Let me tell you about Katherine. She just graduated from one of the top-rated proofreading courses, and guess what?

On her latest project, a client paid her a whopping $650 upfront.

Now, that kind of income might not happen overnight for beginners, but with the right training and experience, you can reach that level too.

Here’s another inspiring example: Ann, another Caitlin Pyle graduate. She’s now pulling in close to $5,000 this year, and all while working part-time with minimal overhead.

Pretty impressive, right?

See where I’m going with this? Proofreading doesn’t require a fancy degree.

But that doesn’t mean skills aren’t important. You’ll need a solid foundation in copy editing.

And with some proper training, you can become a professional proofreader in no time.

So, if you’re serious about turning your eagle eye for detail into cash, this FREE 76-minute workshop by Caitlin Pyle (a six-figure proofreader, no less!) is the perfect place to start.

Trust me, it’s a no-brainer. Watch the free training, and you’ll be thanking yourself later!

Side Job #2: TikTok Affiliate Marketing

In case you never heard of TikTok affiliate marketing, it’s a way to promote cool stuff from other companies and earn cash every time someone buys through your special link.

Think of yourself as a brand ambassador, sharing your love for awesome products and getting rewarded for it.

You can do it all in a short, fun video. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be on camera if you’re shy – faceless TikTok videos work just fine.

I talked about this in a previous post here, in case you missed it.

With TikTok being so popular right now, I see it as a super fast way to make some extra cash.

I even tried it myself, and guess what? I earned commissions from just a few videos I uploaded (after getting approved, of course).

side jobs for extra money - tiktok
u003cemu003eMy very first commission with TikTok affiliate marketingu003c/emu003e

Let me tell you, I was freaking out when I saw that notification pop up on my phone!

It might be true that some commissions aren’t super high, but if your video gets on the “For You Page” (which is like the TikTok Hall of Fame!), there’s a chance it could go viral and get tons of views.

Which means more eyes on the products you’re promoting, and potentially more commissions for you.

How to Get Started?

Here’s a quick roadmap to get you rolling. Think of this as your cheat sheet for earning commissions.

Step 1: Pick Your Passion Project (A.K.A. Your Niche)

First things first: Don’t be a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none.

Pick a niche you love and stick with it. Think of it like this: if you try to sell everything to everyone, you end up selling nothing to anyone.

Why? Because if you’re talking about everything, your audience won’t know what you’re about.

Love fashion? Awesome! Promote fashion products you’re passionate about – think trendy streetwear, boho chic dresses, or statement-making accessories.

Don’t jump from showcasing street style to cat food reviews tomorrow – it confuses your viewers and the algorithm.

This way, your audience sees you as the go-to expert on all things fashion, and trust builds faster.

Plus, it helps TikTok’s algorithm know who to show your videos to (people who dig fashion, just like you!).

Step 2: Pick Products That Wow (and Maybe Won’t Break the Bank)

Now that you’ve got your niche figured out, let’s find some killer products to promote! Look for things that:

  • Catch your eye: You gotta love what you’re promoting, right?
  • Sell well: A good track record of sales is a good sign.
  • Don’t get returned a lot: Nobody wants unhappy customers.
  • Are affordable (at least at first): Building trust is key. Start with something cheaper to show your audience who you are and what you’re about. Then, as they trust you more, you can promote pricier products.

Here’s a pro tip. Try to have the product in hand before you promote it. This lets you:

  • Speak from experience: You can give genuine reviews and show off the product’s features.
  • Comply with TikTok’s rules: They require it for some products these days.
  • Minimize your risk: Start with a cheaper product to test the waters before investing a lot.

Step 3: Create Killer Videos (Even if You’re Shy!)

Don’t let video creation stress you out.

There are tons of free and easy-to-use AI tools like InVideo, Pictory AI, or Capcut that can help you make awesome content.

Feeling camera shy? No worries!

Let’s use our fashion niche as an example. Say you want to promote cargo pants. Here’s what you can do:

  • Get the pants: This lets you show them off in all their glory.
  • Film an unboxing: It’s exciting and lets people see the product first-hand.
  • Rock the outfit: Put on the pants and style them with a cool denim jacket and sneakers.
  • Be creative with hiding your face: Blur it out, add some fun emojis, or film a half-body shot focusing on the pants.
  • Edit like a pro (for free): Capcut, a free editing tool, will help you put it all together.

Bonus Tip: Sprinkle relevant keywords in your video description and hashtags. This helps people find your awesome content.

So there you have it! With these simple steps, you’re well on your way to earning that sweet pot commission.

Side Job #3: Blogging

Let me tell you a secret: blogging wasn’t exactly part of my plan when I first started with affiliate marketing.

But let me tell you, taking the plunge into blogging has been the best decision I ever made!

Now, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it – those early days were rough. There were some struggles and sleepless nights (yikes!).

And let me assure you, those struggles were worth it.

Free 7-Day How to Start a Blog Email Course

Starting a blog could be a game-changer for you! My FREE 7-day email course spills the tea on everything you need to know: starting a blog, making money online, and the whole shebang! Sign up below to embark on your blogging journey! (no experience required!)

Here’s the thing: you don’t need to be a coding wizard to start a blog. Platforms like WordPress make it super easy to set up your website, even for beginners.

Not only do I now earn a decent living, but I’ve also connected with a whole community of awesome bloggers, many of them introverts just like me.

So, how exactly does a blog bring home the food (or should I say, the money, lol)? Here are a few ways:

  • Advertising: Ever seen those ads displayed on websites? Blogs can do that too! Every time someone clicks on an ad, you earn a little something.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Remember that side hustle we talked about earlier? Yep, your blog is the perfect platform to promote those products and earn commissions on every sale you generate. Win-win!
  • Selling Your Stuff: Are you an ebook writing machine? Your blog can be your virtual storefront, showcasing your skills and selling your creations directly to your audience.

Now, let’s be real…

You probably won’t see a ton of money rolling in right away.

That’s the case for most bloggers, although there are a few lucky ducks who explode onto the scene.

If you have a day job, here’s my advice: start blogging on the side. Don’t quit your job right away – that’s a risky move!

Focus on building your blog, creating great content, and slowly building up those commissions.

Once you have a good financial safety net (like at least 6 months of savings), then you can think about taking the leap and saying goodbye to your boss.

This way, you’ll have some breathing room if things don’t go exactly according to plan.

Think of it as bringing your blogging umbrella – you’ll be prepared for any rainy days that might come along.

Long story short, if blogging sounds like your thing, I’ve written a beginner-friendly guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

So, if you’re looking for a side hustle that lets you share your passions with the world and potentially earn some serious cash, then blogging might be the perfect fit for you.

Side Job #4: Sell Digital Products

Have you noticed all the business owners on Instagram selling ebooks lately? It’s pretty genius!

Here’s how it works: they create Reels that highlight common problems their audience faces – usually the reels are only about 3-5 seconds in duration.

Think of it like shining a spotlight on their pain points. Then, in the caption, they tease the solutions and include a clear call to action – usually a simple “DM me” to learn more.

My guess? By the end of those DM conversations, they’re offering their ebooks or coaching services to solve those exact problems they highlighted earlier.

Pretty clever, right?

The real magic here is the digital product itself.

You create something valuable – an ebook, an online course, a template collection – and then you can sell it over and over again, all from the comfort of your couch.

Think about it: you create a resource once, and the earning potential is endless!

Check out these real-life examples:

Take the Budget-Byte Queen, for example. This food blogger and Instagram queen (@budgetbytes) is famous for her drool-worthy (but wallet-friendly!) recipes.

She’s even got a collection of ebooks with all her best creations, so her fans can whip up her culinary magic in their kitchens.

Then there’s Dana, the mastermind behind The Minimalist Baker (@minimalistbaker). She’s taken healthy baking to the next level with her downloadable recipe ebooks.

Think gluten-free, vegan, and allergy-friendly treats – all delicious and easy to make!

See how it works? You take your existing skills and knowledge, use them to create something awesome, and then – bam! – you sell it online.

Side Job #5: Transcription

As a transcriptionist, you’ll transform audio into text, turning interviews, lectures, meetings, and more into clear, concise written documents.

One of the best things about this side job is the flexibility. You can work from anywhere with a good internet connection and set your hours to fit your schedule.

Imagine listening to interviews with industry experts, captivating lectures, or even funny podcasts – and then typing out every word.

So, what skills do you need to become a transcription pro? Here are the two main ones:

  • Fast typing skills: You’ll need to type quickly and accurately.
  • Strong listening and focus: You’ll need to understand different accents, pick up on mumbled speech, and stay focused for long periods.

Ready to give transcription a try? Here are a few platforms to get you started:

  • Rev: Great for beginners, with flexible hours and a supportive community.
  • Scribie: Known for high-quality audio and a focus on accuracy, perfect for detail-oriented folks.
  • TranscribeMe: Offers a variety of transcription projects, from interviews to legal proceedings.

How much can you earn?

It depends on the platform, project complexity, and your experience. Transcriptionists can earn anywhere from $15 to $30 per hour.

Not bad for a side job that lets you work from your couch, right?

Side Job #6: Line Sitter

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there: stuck in a soul-crushing line, stomach growling, patience wearing thin.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone hold your place while you grab a coffee, use the restroom, or just take a sanity break?

Well, there’s a side hustle that lets you help people skip those lines and get paid for it! It’s called line sitting, and it’s perfect for anyone who doesn’t mind waiting in line.

As a line sitter, you’ll be the guardian angel of people’s spots in line.

Whether it’s for the hottest new sneaker drop, a limited-edition gadget release, or (let’s be honest) that ridiculously popular brunch place, you’ll be there holding their place.

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait, people pay to skip lines?” Believe it or not, they do!

According to Business Insider, some folks have paid up to $1500 for someone else to wait in line for them! Crazy, right?

That “Tasker” from the popular website TaskRabbit reportedly earned a whopping $1500 for waiting in line for a whole 100 hours to snag the latest iPhone.

Yeah, that might be a bit extreme for some, but it shows the potential earning power of line sitting.

Of course, if 100-hour line waits aren’t your thing, you can always focus on line sitting for more manageable situations, like trendy restaurants or events with limited tickets.

So, how do you become a line sitter?

There are a few options:

  • TaskRabbit: This platform connects people with task runners (like line sitters!). Create a profile highlighting your reliability and punctuality, and you might just land your next line-sitting adventure.
  • Craigslist: While it might not be the first place that comes to mind, Craigslist can sometimes have line-sitting gigs posted.
  • Local Facebook Groups: People often post requests for line sitters in these groups, especially for events with limited availability or long wait times.

Pro Tip: Before you start waiting in line for strangers, be sure to set clear expectations with your clients. How long will you hold their place? What’s your communication plan (texting, calls)? Ironing out these details upfront ensures a smooth experience for everyone.

So, if you are feeling a little empty on weekends, why not try this side job to make awesome money? Your call…

Side Job #7: Pressure Washing

I remember watching TikToks where someone is pressure washing sidewalks in a time-lapse from start to finish.

Those videos are seriously oddly satisfying to watch! LOL…

So here comes the last side job for extra money: pressure washing.

This is an amazing way to make that extra cash on the side because there are so many dirty surfaces you can clean, like sidewalks, gutters, roofs, the outside of houses, brick walls, garages, and much more.

Believe it or not, the pressure washing market in the US is valued at $1.2 billion.

And the best part? You don’t need a degree. All you need is some time, passion, and the right equipment.

Before you think this will cost a lot to get started, wait a minute…

Nowadays, you can easily rent all the equipment from The Home Depot. Once you have enough budget, you can buy your gear.

So, how can you get started on your pressure-washing journey? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Invest in a Quality Pressure Washer (When You’re Ready): This is your workhorse, so do your research and choose a washer that fits your budget and the kind of jobs you want to tackle.
  • Market Yourself Like a Pro: Think flyers, business cards, or even a simple website to show off your services. Social media is also a goldmine for connecting with potential clients.
  • Start Small and Build Your Reputation: Offer competitive rates and focus on giving outstanding customer service. In the pressure-washing world, word-of-mouth is king.
  • Safety First: Pressure washers are no joke. Learn proper safety techniques before you start blasting everything in sight.
  • Get Insured: Accidents happen, so liability insurance is a smart move to protect yourself.

Side Jobs for Extra Money: Wrapping Up!

So, that’s it! Seven side hustles that can help you make some extra money and maybe even turn your passion into profit.

Don’t be scared to try out a few different things until you find what suits you best. Who knows? Your side hustle might just become your main hustle one day.

Here are some final words of encouragement:

  • Start small and grow: Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once. Begin with small, manageable projects and slowly build your client base and experience.
  • Be dependable and professional: First impressions are important. Always be on time, deliver quality work, and communicate clearly with your clients.
  • Promote yourself: Don’t be shy about letting people know what services you offer. Network with friends, family, and neighbors, and use online platforms to market yourself.

So, get out there, explore your options, and turn your passions into profits.

And hey, if you try out any of the side jobs and it doesn’t quite work out, don’t get discouraged!

The beauty of this world is that there are endless possibilities to explore.

If this blog post added a sprinkle of joy to your day, why not spread the love? Share it with your pals and let the good vibes flow! Plus, follow me on Pinterest for more gems like this.